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We thank our longtime partners for their support and assistance. Without you it would not have been possible to realize "The Dark Rooms". 


A big thank you goes to our partner the Hotel Berlin Berlin. Thank you for supporting us in hosting our artists and for always being on fire with every new idea. THANK YOU.

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Clara Sauer (Curation & Communication)


Clara Sauer has been curating immersive exhibitions in Berlin since 2016, which attracted a lot of media attention. Together with Sven Sauer and the team of Wir im Raum she is the founder of the "Lost Art Festival", "THE DARK ROOMS Exhibition", "Unseen Westeros" and "Himmel unter Berlin".  

Her focus lies in the development of unseen and intensive exhibition concepts that enable visitors to have a new encounter with art and in doing so question the conventional presentation form of the white cube.






Sven Sauer (Conzept & Projektmanagement)


Sven Sauer has been working as a "Matte Painting" artist on international film productions since 2006. His work on Martin Scorsese's film "Hugo" was awarded an Academy Award "Oscar". The visual effects for the HBO Production "Game of Thrones" was awarded 3 times the EMMY Award.

He lives and works as an artist and exhibition maker in Berlin. Sven Sauer is the initiator of "Unseen Westeros" and "360 minutes Art". In 2016, he founded the artist collective "The Dark Rooms" to perform art in places such as industrial monuments, breweries and old factories in the Berlin area. He is also co-founder of the "Lost Art Festival" and "Himmel unter Berlin".




Jan Häusler (Finances / Strategy)


Jan Häusler is founder and managing director of Wir im Raum GmbH, which organizes formats such as "Himmel unter Berlin" and the "Lost Art Festival". In addition, Jan is founder and managing director of the creative agency Schach zu Dritt.


With his years of experience in the event sector and the Berlin scene, Jan is part of the core team of "The Dark Rooms", "Himmel unter Berlin" and the "Lost Art Festival". His experience in strategic planning makes the exhibitions possible in the first place.






Jan Oertzen  (Eventmanagement / Logistic)


Jan Oertzen is also a partner at Wir im Raum and Schach zu Dritt. As Project Director and with over 15 years of creative and operational experience in the event sector, he is responsible for operational event management in the areas of organization, logistics and bar management.








Martin Hussain 

(Location- & Peoplemanagement) 


Martin develops and coordinates the exhibition team. He manages the securing of the locations and supports with his team the reconstruction of the location as well as the installation of the artworks. 

With his overwhelmingly positive manner, he coordinates all the volunteers who make our exhibitions possible in the first place.








Jan Brugger

(Technical Manager) 


Jan has been the technical director of the exhibitions since the very beginning. He brings electricity into buildings that no one has entered for a hundred years. With years of experience in construction, no challenge is too big for him, no km of cable laying too far and no floor too high.








Claudia Marquardt

(Communication Management) 


Claudia takes over work in communication and supports us in other areas such as administration with full passion.

She loves the work & the exchange with great people.

In addition, Claudia is also active in the field of music for the 3000Grad crew and has your own DJ booking agency Clique Bookings.







Michel Cremer 

(Stagemanagement & Operations)


Michel supports our exhibitions since hour 1 with a lot of perseverance and dedication in the area of construction, helper coordination and the operational business. He keeps the store running. 

During the exhibition hours he coordinates all the helpers and makes sure that everything runs smoothly for the visitors.  

When Michel isn't busy covering our backs, he works as a production manager for various film and series productions, such as DARK.


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Stay with us 

Vielen Dank!

Öffnungszeiten: werktags 14-22h, Wochenende 11-22h

The Dark Rooms Exhibition            Impressum, AGBs & Datenschutz.         ©2023 Wir im Raum GmbH


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